Happy New Year!

I'm proud, and a little exhausted, to look back and realize that I've released two albums in the space of two years. 2015 was also the year that that my husband ran for office in the federal election. 



So I've been working in the studio, and working at the ground floor of democracy this last year. I've learned a lot from both experiences. In October when the votes were counted and life started to be a little less crazy-busy and a little more normal I was able to get back to music.



But after all of that rushing around and knocking on doors I have found myself drawn to the idea staying home and writing. I've written ten new songs since the election finished, and I'm excited to see what other pieces of writing might be waiting around the corner. So I've decided to stay in the quiet of my living room for the next little while. 



For the first time since I started out as a folk singer I'm going to be taking a little break from being on stage. But I promise I'll be back in the spring. After all, Mother's Day is just around the corner.

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